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U.N., Makes World's First Plastic Regulatory Agreement by 2024

It is an article that the United Nations has agreed to create the world's first plastic pollution control agreement by the end of 2024.
The U.N. will come up with regulatory measures, so I think it will have a big impact depending on the content.
Just as the implementation of the Basel Convention, such as the ban on cross-country waste movement at the end of 21, has caused a major change in industry and society, this regulation should also be watched closely. ​
163 countries around the world have agreed to sign an international agreement to prevent plastic pollution by the end of 2024. It is the world's first legally binding plastic regulation agreement.
According to AFP and other foreign media on the 2nd (local time), a resolution containing the contents was unanimously passed at the "5th United Nations Environment Conference (UNEA)" held in Nairobi, Kenya. The agreement will be the most significant eco-friendly agreement since the Paris climate agreement, the U.N. said.

    FUTURECHOSUN.COM | 유엔, 2024년까지 세계 첫 ‘플라스틱 규제 협약’ 만든다

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